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You only need one repair shop - Aerofriend!

When dealing with aircraft component repairs you have hundreds of possible vendors to choose from. There is not a single facility in the world which is capable of repairing every component you need to be released back to service. Therefore dealing with repairs involves shipping piece parts, optimising labor, intense financial control, complex logistics and a lot of supervision. When you have hundreds of stocklines shipped out to unknown vendors all around the world there is so many things that are destined to go wrong. Do you have the resources to control each individual repair shop, track each piece part being shipped and ensure necessary release back to service date?

Choose Aerofriend as your vendor that can suit your aircraft component repair needs. By working with major aircraft teardown agencies worldwide we have setup an efficient network of repair shops and the vast quantity of parts repaired through our organisation have benefited us with unbeatable pricing from our repair shop partners. 

Get in touch to find out more, we will be glad to consult free of charge or submit a commercial proposal for the parts you want to bring back to service!

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